
Fiber optic network builders, Operators, Infrastructure owners,
and Consulting offices

Our clients are companies involved in financing, building and operating FTTx networks all over the world.
This can be Infrastructure Owners (Operators or Asset Owners) or stakeholders involved
in the value chain of telecom infrastructure creation: engineering and consulting offices, network builders, etc.

Sttar Clients

fiber optic network

Financial Institutions

fiber optic network

Telecom Operators

fiber optic network

Consultants and Developers

Our client‘s problems

  • Evaluate different build scenarios and figure out roll-out cost estimates quickly and accurately and evaluate project viability
  • Streamline the global process of network studies while benefiting from the maximum level of automated work, from strategic planning to detailed design
  • Efficiently produce HLDs that will be easily transferred to subcontractors to allow detailed design and build
  • Regain control of the design and quality of the fiber optic network build, without investing too much resources to improve the control of the process

What clients can do with Setics Sttar

Master FTTx projects: faster, cheaper with enhanced quality

  • Generate High Level Design (HLD) models of an entire region / country
  • Build master plans for infrastructure deployment
  • Evaluate cost and overall budget planning of roll-out
  • Generate scenarios to find the optimal coverage within a budget
  • Test technology mix (FTTx, FWA, etc.) for better reach and savings
  • Determine the phases for deployment
  • Pre-plan areas for better mastering of network design
  • Industrialize the processes by defining precise and repeatable operating procedure for design
  • Enhance the command of the “Evaluate – Decide – Design – Control” process
  • Regain control of key metrics between as-planned/as-built
  • Speed-up knowledge transfer by providing HLD with comprehensive project record
  • Provide subcontractors a complete solution unlocking design automation from HLD to DLD
  • Better master contractors by in-housing network model creation
  • Better manage fixed-price contractual engagements
  • Compare planned to real – estimate landing costs
  • Setics Sttar can provide fully automated or semi-automated processes from data sourcing and transformation to report generation and database uploading.
  • Setics Sttar naturally integrates with Physical Network Inventory software. A number of integration has been developed with reasonable efforts (< 2 weeks) and can be realized with any PNI in the market
  • Sttar Cloud Engine provides an online REST-API SaaS solution for integration with online systems.

How Setics Sttar has helped our clients